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CWF meets the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am at the Church from September through May except as noted. 

CWF Prayer

Unto you, O God, we give our thanks

and lift our hearts in prayer.

May your presence be with us

and your love surround us

as we work together in the

Christian Women’s Fellowship.

Open our eyes to the needs of the world and

fill our hearts with concern for all people.

Guide us that we may truly serve you.

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

CWF Benediction


God, be merciful unto us and bless us;

And cause your face to shine upon us;

That your way may be known upon earth,

Your saving health among all nations,

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

CWF Meeting Schedule 2016-17


9:00 am each meeting


September 21, 2016  

Program:  Carolyn Winters

October 19, 2016

Program:  Irma Jean Walker

November 5, 2016

               ANNUAL FALL BAZAAR

November 16, 2016

               Program:  Elaine Lee 

December 21, 2016

Program:  Rosemary Taylor


January 18, 2017


February 15 2017

Program:  Jeanie Weilbrenner

Cookie Exchange

March 15, 2017

Program: Betty Rathbun

April 19, 2017

Program:  Rosemary Taylor

May 17, 2017    11:30 am

..............       Luncheon Meeting-Location to be determined

Installation Service and Blessing Box Dedication


No June Meeting

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