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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Canton Christian Church online. We are just developing our website-please be patient as we add activities etc. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit.

Our Mission


Recognizing God as the source of all gifts – both physical and spiritual – we seek to be good stewards by exploring and developing our gifts so that we reflect the love of God and serve God’s people.

Sunday School


Sundays at 9:30 am


K-3rd grade

4th - 8th grades

Youth (9th – 12th grades)

Older Adults




Services are held in the santuary located on the second floor (with elevator access)


10:45 am Sunday-Message-Open Communion-Children’s Moment and Nursery regularly available (except during summer schedule)



Latest News

The Chalice

The Chalice is the symbol of the Christian Church (DOC).  Used since the General Assembly in 1971, it points to the centrality of the Lord’s Supper in the life and worship of the Disciples.  The cross of St. Andrew, national cross of Scotland, focuses attention on the Scottish roots of early Disciple leaders, Thomas and Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone.  When in color, the chalice is red, signifying vitality, spirit and sacrifice.

 - George Lee, Proud to Be Disciples, 2000

512 College Street  Canton, MO  63435   573-288-3018

Pastor Mandy Gosik 

Summer Schedule-No Sunday School

Memorial Day through Labor Day

Summer Schedule

10:15 Worship Service

Memorial Day through Labor Day

Any additional services will be announced in the newsletter, bulletin, weekly email and on our website.

​Upcoming Events


Fall Schedule 
9:30 Sunday School
10:45 Worship Service
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